Men In Brush - Tips




Tips and techniques to share. Some of the wildest and not so wild basics to learn and do. Zazz up those work of art.

The beginner needs only a few inexpensive materials these are the ones used in his very first lessons.

This is a 5x6" rendition of and MIB

Getting straight to the point. We assume that you know the basics, like how to hold your pencil recognizing some basic strokes and when and how to use them. Here are some of those strokes and some techniques as well.

Hatching or cross-hatching is done with diagonal strokes. These strokes are used to achieve the shade or values on your drawing or illustration. We would usually start with the diagonal strokes then add the opposing or cross strokes after we are satisfied with the effect produced by the first hatches. Hmmmm... are we talking eggs here??

Smudging, it is just as the word means smudge or smear. Same reason, to achieve the values, but different style and a certain texture and effect. There are some useful tools used in smudging, the familiar smudging tool - this is a pencil-like paper stick and your own kneaded eraser can also be a tool. But our personal favorite the most handy of them all the finger, with different sizes and length to choose from plus easy maintenance and very cheap. There's still no eggs here??

Highlights, this is the main reason for trying to understand hatching and smudging. Achieving these highlights, it is what breathes life to a drawing. You slowly build from light to dark, if you over do it use your handy eraser to clean some of it off. Try and make your own grayscale bar the one below was used to achieving the fantastic illustration above.

YIPEE!!! We are done. Sad to say there are no eggs. SO QUIT IT WITH THE EGGS ALREADY

Here's an excercise for you to do. Make a grayscale bar similar to the one below using these two techniques.